Mamta Binani (Chairman EIRC, ICSI; from Kolkata)
A Commerce Graduate by degree and a Company Secretary by profession, Mamta has been a meritorious student (All India First amongst the Lady Candidates) in intermediate examinations of the Institute of Company Secretaries and received several medals and awards. In her finals, she got the highest marks in the Company Law paper on an All-India level. She practices as a Company Secretary and has an enriching experience of 13 years in dealing with people, corporates, and students. She has an in-depth knowledge of the Companies Act, other corporate laws, listing agreements, SEBI laws, corporate governance norms and has been working actively in due diligence aspects, and is passionate about attaining corporate, social, and citizen responsibilities. Before starting her practice, she has worked with Dolphin Laboratories Limited, a listed Company.
She is currently the Chairperson of the Eastern Region of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.

Poonam Datye(Qualified Chartered Accountant from India)
Poonam Datye is a qualified Chartered Accountant from India, Diploma IFRS (ACCA London), and a Commerce post-graduate from Pune University. Poonam has 15 years of Finance and business operations experience in large multinational and domestic companies. She has been instrumental in implementing a Balanced scorecard across 14 Asia Pacific teams in her last organization and has rich experience in performance management & tracking, project P&L management, training teams on internal processes & tools like CRM adoption by Sales teams. She is an active advisor with Rammohan Bhave. She is a Yoga enthusiast and continuous learner.

V. S. Datey (B Tech Hons, FCS, FICWA )
Mr. Datey worked for 27 years in the corporate field at senior levels in indirect taxation, finance, and secretarial fields in leading listed companies. He started his career as an author and indirect taxes consultant in 1993. Presently, he is concentrating on writing books on various topics – particularly relating to indirect taxes, economic laws, and corporate laws. All his books are published by Taxmann, New Delhi.

N. V. Ramanand (Hyderabad)
Education – BSc (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry) PGDM, (IIM, CALCUTTA) CAIIB (IIB, MUMBAI), Senior Faculty, Coordinator (Training and Consultancy), Senior Faculty Member of Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE). He has Personnel Professional experience at Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited in Central Bank of India and Bank of India, Public Sector Banks, etc. He had exposure as Head of the HR function at the Unit level at Bharat Dynamics Limited, at the corporate level at ITI Ltd.

S. G. Narasimhan (M Com., FICWA. ACS, Valuation, Mumbai)
A Fellow Member of the Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India, a Rank Holder, a qualified Company Secretary and Valuation Diplomaholder from -the UK has to his credit 28 years of industrial experience in the areas of Corporate Accounts, Finance, Management Accounting, Indirect Taxation, FEMA related issues, Mergers, and Acquisitions, Secretarial and Legal.

Kumar Iyer (Mumbai)
Kumar Iyer is a Director with Astral Management Consulting Private Limited, an organization specializing in Enterprise Applications & Corporate Performance Management solutions from IBM, Oracle & Infor. He is Chartered Accountant & ISO 9000 Lead Assessor by qualification, having professional experience spanning over a period of more than 20 years in the areas of Management & Technology Consulting including the sales & implementation of Performance Management solutions from Oracle, IBM, Infor & SAS.
Kumar Iyer’s experience includes developing the Infor FMS SunSystems, Infor PM & SAS FM practice at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India over a period of more than 7 years from 2001 to 2008. Prior to joining Deloitte, he was a practicing Chartered Accountant, specializing in Management Consulting services for more than 12 years.

Jaideep Barve (from Mumbai)
Jaideep Barve is a qualified Chartered Accountant and a Cost & Works Accountant from India. He also is a Certified Internal Auditor, Certified Management Accountant, and Certified in Financial Management from the USA. He is a commerce graduate from Mumbai University. Jaideep has 17 years of professional experience in large multinational and domestic companies; both in local and overseas environments.

Aditya Singhal (from Bangalore)
B.Com (H), M.com, FCA, DISA, Six Sigma (WB & GB), CertValuation holds a senior position in Cambridge Solutions Limited and is instrumental in steering operations of off-shore accounting & reporting systems relating to company claims processing business in the US. Frequently writes articles in monthly journals published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). Speaker at the ICAI branch level on different topics and recently made the presentation on Valuation challenges at the Bangalore Branch of ICAI.

Ulhas Bodahankar(from Pune)
Army Officer, Ulhas Bodhankar comes with a very rich and varied experience in management, operations, and business strategizing. He has always led from the front in all his business transformation roles, both in India and abroad. With qualifications from OTA, IIT, XLRI, and SIBM, he has been an active player in the Office Automation, Telecom, IT Education, IT Services Offshoring, and Valuation revolutions. He currently runs ValueAdd International, a free-lance business consulting company, and is an active advisor with Rammohanbhave. He loves to travel and is an avid Golfer.