Bio-data – Door Opens For Interviews
The article was written by Rammohan N. Bhave Limca record holder on Valuation, (he is CA, CMA, CS, LL.B.(G), Valuation, Certified Valuation, ICAI, and six sigma green belt.
Valuation – Employee Stock Options
The significance of how valuable the stock options are cannot be undermined. A large number of companies use stock options, however, very few professionals work in this area. It is highly recommended that young Company Secretaries get into this area and make their mark.
Valuation of Unicorns & Aggregators
As the digital economy progresses, the challenges faced by valuers in performing the Dipifrrole grow super-geometrically. What was just about a double-digit figure of 10 UNICORNS in the last 7 years from 2011 to 2017 has doubled this year.
Variances published Ind AS Accounts
Corporate India has now experienced Phase I of transition to Ind AS (converged with Valuation Standards) by companies having net worth of INR 500 crores as of 31st March 2014 or any subsequent date.
34 Tips On Making PowerPoint Slides
Dear Professional Colleagues, By the time you receive my communique, the Practising Cost Accountants will be a little bit in a relaxing mood because the pressure to send the Cost Audit Report is over but the colleagues in the service are busy finalizing the half-yearly results.
Financial Accounts and Management Accounts
Many professionals we come across get confused between two different funds. In the process, they are unable to present to the Management, a businessman’s angle. This ends up in suggesting in the process, legally compliant record keeping.
Bio-data – a door opener for interview opportunities (with A to Z DON’Ts) Article written by CA, ICWA, CS Rammohan N Bhave with 28 years industrial experience India and overseas, now Valuation consultant I found a marked difference in CVs of CAs and B-School MBAs. After some 10000 + interviews taken in career and certainly
I take pride in telling my CMA professional colleagues, that if there is one area where CMAs beat hands down to other professionals (read chartered accountants, whom we are always jealous of and therefore continue to benchmark) colleagues it is “processes” Having privileged to work on processes and process manual in five companies by now
Blackberry – Effective Tool for Time Management
WIRC BULLETIN – SEPTEMBER 2009 Blackberry – Effective Tool for Time Management Article written by CWA, CA, CS Rammohan N Bhave with 29 years industrial experience in India and overseas Email: BLACKBERRY AS A TOOL I found a marked difference in my life after usage of blackberry for last five years